
Cupping is a kind of blood stasis therapy, similar to acupuncture and moxibustion, that was devised by the wisdom of the ancients.
It is used to treat various diseases by suctioning the body surface with negative pressure to dilate capillaries and remove congestion,
to promote the absorption of waste materials and to provide sufficient nutrients,
and to stimulate metabolism by increasing skin temperature.
The therapeutic principles of cupping treatment are considered to be the same as those of acupuncture and moxibustion.
The massaging effect of deep cupping has been proven by Olympic and professional athletes having cupping therapy.
Cupping leaves a reaction in the affected area. It is thought that the suction pressure of cupping pulls up blood on the skin,
which is called "blood stasis" in oriental medicine and "old blood" in western medicine. After the treatment,
the color and appearance of this reaction is said to be a good indicator of the body's condition.
If the color is light pink, the blood flow is good. The darker the color becomes, such as red, purple, or black,
the less good the condition of that body part is.
If the color does not change, it is possible that the condition is getting worse from deep inside the body, so you should be careful.
cupping scars will disappear without a trace in a few days to a week. The effect may vary from person to person.
*We use a machine for suction, which enables us to equalize the intensity of negative pressure.
40分(背中カッピング & 背中マッサージ)
40min (Back cupping & Back massage)
90分(背中カッピング & 全身マッサージ)
90min (Back cupping & Full body massage)
(After cupping, massage is given to the areas of the body that are particularly congested to release them.)
・早急に外科的手術を必要とする場合 ・心臓弁膜症など心臓に持病がある場合 ・強度の動脈硬化・静脈瘤・動脈瘤がある場合、陰圧により血管壁が傷つき出血するかもしれない為 ・全身性貧血の場合、白血病のかたも、酸素を運ぶ赤血球が少ない全身性貧血の場合、酸素が頭部へ行きにくくなるため貧血が悪化したり、別の症状が起こる可能性があります。 ・風邪やインフルエンザ、ノロウィルスの感染による吐き下しなど体調が極端に弱っている場合は、かえって疲れたり症状を悪化させることがあります。 ・悪性腫瘍 ・妊娠中、特に初期は腰部・腹部は禁忌です。ただし、生理中は問題ありません。 ・食後や激しい運動した直後は1時間くらい置いてから施術にいらしてください。
【Expected effects of cupping 】
・Enhancement of immune function
Blood vessels are widened and blood circulation is improved, and cells working for immune function are carried throughout the body, which is expected to enhance the immune system.
・Cleaning of blood
The suction pressure of the cupping widens blood vessels and promotes blood circulation around the affected area.
It is also useful in preventing sensory disturbance caused by diabetes and arteriosclerosis caused by hyperlipidemia.
・Improving blood circulation and warming up the body
Blood carries nutrients that nourish cells. Cells receive nutrients from the blood and
metabolize them to produce energy to sustain life activities, and the unneeded substances produced
as a result of the metabolism are released into the bloodstream.
Continued poor blood circulation affects a variety of symptoms.
The suction pressure of the cupping can be expected to smooth cellular metabolism
and quickly improve the condition of the affected area.
・Keeping the skin young and moist
Cupping widens skin blood vessels and increases blood circulation, which in turn increases skin temperature.
The more nutrients that are transported by them, the more frequently the skin is metabolized, and the skin condition improves.
・Smoothing the function of joints
If pain occurs when joints are moved, blood flow around the joints may be impaired.
By adsorbing the cupping to the affected area, joint fluid is stimulated and joint symptoms are improved.
・Activation of internal organs
The skin contains many nerve systems related to the internal organs,
and cupping helps to regulate the functions of the internal organs by affecting the nerve systems.
・Improvement of stiff shoulders and lower back pain by analgesic action
Improving blood circulation keeps pain-producing substances away and gradually relieves pain.
In addition, it also
・Strengthening blood vessels and other tissues
・Regulating the autonomic nerve system.
・Improving hormonal balance.
・Improvement of various symptoms caused by back pain, stiff shoulders, etc.
・Prevention of diseases
The above effects are expected.
To ensure that the patient receives the treatment with peace of mind,
cupping may not be performed depending on illness or symptoms.
・If the patient requires immediate surgical treatment.
・If the patient has a pre-existing heart disorder such as valvular heart disease.
・If the patient has severe arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, or aneurysms. Negative pressure may damage the walls of blood vessels and cause bleeding.
・In the case of systemic anemia, or in the case of leukemia patients with low oxygen-carrying red blood cells (systemic anemia),
it may be difficult for oxygen to reach the head, which may worsen the anemia or cause other symptoms.
・If the patient is in an extremely weak condition, such as nausea caused by a cold, flu, or norovirus infection, it may cause fatigue or worsen the symptoms.
・Malignant tumors.
・During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, the treatment of the lower back and abdomen is prohibited. However, there is no problem during menstruation.
・Please wait about an hour after eating or exercising before coming for treatment.